dragonfly headbands

Georgia Dragonfly Headbands

It’s Spring, and we’ve got lots of exciting new Georgia Dragonfly headbands to show you. For many people, it can be a real challenge to find hair ties and headbands that won’t slip and succumb to workouts and an active lifestyle. That’s why we make custom elastic headbands that not only stay in place, but look great too. We started Georgia Dragonfly 5 years ago in a quest for the perfect combination of comfort and style. After lots of trial and error, we found the materials and fabrics that provide comfort and not only won’t slip, but won’t pull or snag hair either.

Georgia Dragonfly headbands are all made to order, with the materials we mentioned above. Whether you’re hitting the trail, going out for a jog, practicing yoga, or just cleaning up around the house, nothing is more obnoxious than having to constantly brush back sweat and hair. With our headbands, you’ll have plenty of colors and patterns to choose from, so you’ll get the comfort and support you need while looking stylish too! Get well-fitted feel for kids and adults alike thanks to our custom made process and attention to detail. Keep reading to learn more about our many style choices, and what makes for a perfect feel and fit.

dragonfly headbands

Georgia Dragonfly Headbands Come In Many Fashionable Styles


With Georgia Dragonfly headbands, you’ll get a great fit for your head, and your personal sense of style! We encourage every order to include a detailed head measurement, which allows us to ensure a snug fit for the most intense physical activity. As we mentioned earlier, we’ve done plenty of experimenting to find the right materials for ideal comfort and non-slip performance. Our products are made with a soft but gripping velvet lining, creating just enough friction to stay in place without painful pulling often found with plastic or rubber designs.

Beyond custom fit comfort, you’ll find many exciting possibilities to express yourself with our style options. With everything from animal prints, tie-dyes, polka dots, and chevrons to endless color combinations and patterns, you’ll find plenty of ways to show your personality. Show off team spirit with lots of school and pro options, or place a custom order for your kids’ teams. Celebrate holidays and seasons with our ever-changing seasonal prints. Whatever you choose, know that Georgia Dragonfly headbands will always come with the highest level of quality and comfortable durability. Come visit Georgia Dragonfly online to browse our catalog, see pictures, and place your order today!

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